Two-Party Vs Two Party System

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The United States’ political policy is dominated by the two party system, a structure where there are two, and only two, major political parties. This makes it close to impossible for third party candidates to win any major elections. In other countries such as France, there are multiple political parties, which, in the long run, is more effective than the two-party system. In a two-party system, the extremists refuse to work and or agree with the other party, most acts of violence is shown as a debate between the two opposing sides, and since there are only two parties every political problem has two and only two solutions. In order for a country to work as one, people have to agree. In order to do so there cannot be decisions made based on one's race, gender, or political views. When you dislike someone it is very difficult to see their point of view, and it is nearly impossible to agree with it. In a two party system both sides neglect the others opinions and beliefs and extremists simply ignore all of the oppositions ideas. One may take part in an act of political partisanship because they do not want to agree with what they perceive as the enemy, which, in this case is the other side's point of view. Both parties spend most of their time undermining the other group which causes the government to …show more content…

These extreme acts of violence can be contorted to look like a problem between the two opposing parties. If an act of violence occurs the media portrays it as a debate between the Democratic and Republican parties. This makes all media stations look bias. The press appears to be, to a great extent, unequipped for managing any issue that include liberal versus conservative politics. This gives the impression that every difficult situation, whether it is government affairs, global warming, or terrorism, has two approaches.The people of the United States are left with no middle

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