Pros And Cons Of Selective Incorporation

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1. Our great country was founded upon a high set of principles, values, and laws. Many of these are easily seen when looking at the United States constitution. The first ten amendments are what is commonly known as the Bill of Rights. This is good and all, but until the fourteenth amendment was passed, the Bill of Rights only was applied to the Federal government. The 14th amendment has a clause that says, "no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." The Supreme Court ruled against “Total Incorporation”, but instead ruled in favor of “Selective Incorporation”. This meaning that the Supreme Court would define the constitutionality of the treatment of a citizen by the state. Now the question is how has it affected our present day lives. Over time, the fourteenth amendment has been used to cover almost all of the Bill of Rights. These rights are the standard for all US citizens and are protected by the Federal government. Selective Incorporation is thought to cover the first through eighth amendments, with the ninth and tenth being exclusively guaranteed by the Federal government. A present day example of this debate is that of the 2nd amendment. The right to bear arms is a critical issue when thinking of Selective incorporation. 3.The term Affirmative action has played a huge role in the past one hundred years of American politics. It is simply defined as an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer. Civil Rights of American citizens have drastically changed because of Affirmative action. With almost anything in politics, there is a debate for and against Affirmative action. Supporters of this say that this helps encourage e... ... middle of paper ... ...ent needs to make more of an effort for reparations. I is not possible to return ALL of their land but a concentrated effort to help raise the socio-economic level of this ethnic group and their communities could go a long way to continuing a long, historical culture. 8.In order for political success, both sides of the political spectrum must be critically examined in order to omit mistakes and for cultural advancement. Over two hundred years of United States politics have seen many changes. The names of parties may have changed, but the bi-partisan feature of the party-system has not. Republicans and Democrats are our two major partisan groups in present day America. Sometimes there are disagreement amongst party members that lead to dispute and a less concentrated effort. That is the beauty of a democracy, everyone is allowed to put their two cents worth in.

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