Two Ageing Theories and Examples

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There are two theories of ageing. The disengagement theory is when the elderly unfortunately start to give up with activities or social life. They become withdrawn from society. This is when you disengage from any way of contact or interaction. The reason for disengagement theory may be because physical functions deteriorate. There are three phases of disengagement theory. These are shrinkage of life space is when you are not working or have no contact with friends and family. You don’t get to meet new people. You decide not to take up any hobbies or activities. The second phase is increased individuality. This is when you become independent and what others do does not matter to you. The third phase is acceptance. You start to accept things the way they are. You accept that it is the last stage of life and don’t try to fight it.

Cumming and Henry are two people that made this theory which suggested the possible outcomes for those that disengage from interest and society. They state that people would naturally tend to withdraw from social engagement as they get older. Overall they...

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