Modern Approach To Aging Analysis

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What is the modern approach to aging? Modernity can be considered a mixed bag as it is always evolving, the idea of modernity to be a linear uninterrupted process by classical sociologist is far different than they predicted. Modernity moves away from classical society through social (movement away from religion), political (freedom of speech) and the cultural manifestation of individualism. In modern society today the approach to aging is based from an ageist ideology where we as people judge other individuals based age. We tend to formulate preconceived notions on people based on numerics. In our society numerical age is important to us as it is used to determine certain “milestones” in people’s lives or where they should have reached …show more content…

He begins life as a new born showing physical signs that would be seen on an elderly person of 80+. Once he is with Queenie and the doctors tells her he does not have a chance at living due to this physical attributes seen on him, this illustrates a modern approach to aging as the doctor is assuming Benjamins life span on the idea that physically he looks 84 and at that time many died at that age with similar things Benjamin had at the time of birth. As discussed in Powell it states that the biomedical model perceives of aging as a pathological problem tied to discourse of decline and dependency (Powel, 2006). This explanation also shows the approach to aging as age is tied to dependency and as Benjamin is born with all these issues beyond already being a dependent new born he is following the idea that at the age of born and the age of near death you are dependent upon someone and these ages are determined by numerics and …show more content…

His physical appearance showed that he was old which made people make preconceived notions about him, and as he got older but appeared younger the same was assumed (that he was younger and more capable). In the film the man that hired Benjamin to work on the boat did not seem to notice Benjamin’s physical age appearance and hired him which showed the opposite of how society views age as he did not judge Benjamin upon offering to work for him. Society created age as to decipher when certain milestones in life should be accomplished Benjamins life puts this idea to the test as the age in which he reaches his milestones he appears physically older than his cohorts. The moral behind this goes back to you are only as old as you feel and that there can be no number to determine when something should be accomplished as when Benjamin passed away he was a new born baby again and while he experienced everything at the age when people in society would say you are to old

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