Tv Show Too White Essay

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Is your favorite TV show too white? People today have begun to complain or state/think that TV has become to white and doesn’t have enough African Americans in programs. It seems to me that our programs have begun to integrate both races more, but they still have programs that focus more on the white ethnicity. TV racism is something that; started when TV was first introduced and will never end, has more white actors than any other race, and leads to riots and groups that complain. We need to make TV less of a white system and more of a combined system where anyone can watch and be happy. This means we need to include all races instead of just white and black, but Asian and Hispanic also. Since the beginning of television and the first show, way back in 1939, the majority of shows have focused on one specific ethnicity. In the beginning it was all white actors. Now it is still that way, even though we say that we are not racist, with all races. Racism is expressed along a connected spectrum, from the casual patronizing remark to skin color (Downing). Yet, some may say that we have programs that have all races in them such as; Fresh off the Boat, Secrets and Lies, Blackish, or the George Lopez Show. They are correct but all of those shows have one specific ethnicity as the focus. For Fresh off the Boat, it is Asian, Blackish and Secrets and Lies …show more content…

While looking/flipping through channels you can see on almost every show that there is more White people than any other race. Although some may state that even though there may seem to be more shows with more White people, there is still not that large of a difference between White and other races. According to PBS News Hour, 73.1% of TV is White, 12.5% is Black, 5.3% is Asian, 4.9% is Hispanic, and 4.2% is a mix of all other races (Santhanam). This 46.2% difference between White and the rest of the world is outrageous. There is no excuse for this large of a

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