Truong Reference Letter

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To whom it may concern, it’s my absolute pleasure to recommend Truong Phan for a being a future student at Umass Boston . Truong and I had a relationship at Stoughton Hithe for close to a year now, I thoroughly enjoy the time working with truong and came to know him as a truly valuable asset to the American History course. He is very conscientious, assertive and devoted. Truong been in the American Study Course for at least 10 months now and he had not disappointed me as a English teacher he show up to class and alway ready to learn something new and when I introduce a new topic he would be all over it and won't stop until he had perfected it, in addition he is confident in his work but not too confident where he won't change an error in an essay or a speech. …show more content…

Truong put this skillset to work in order to achieve the grade he has. Along with Truong undeniable talent, Truong has always been a joy to work with, Truong is a true team player, and alway manage to foster positive discussions and bring out the best in other classmate. In all the time that Truong spend with his classmate either it in class learning or on a learning field trip he always there learning with the other student sharing fact and he show the same energy from a field trip to a class trip, for example Truong he excelled at the World War II topic and when we visit the World War II Museum he knew most of artifact in there and would share his knowledge on the topic and we all would be amaze of how much he

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