Traumatic Events In US History

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Traumatic events or times of crisis seem to have an effect on humans where they seem to start a widespread panic and don't really know what to do. The arrival of the Martians in War of the World's with everyone looking up in awe with what is this spinning cyclone in the sky, then as the Martian came out of the ground it started a widespread panic and a need to run. Events in US history have had a similar impact to what comes out in War of the World's. Events such as the bombing of pearl harbor a day which president Franklin D Roosevelt said “ Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” (Roosevelt). Events such as this attack on pearl harbor which caused many Americans to fear what was to happen next in the world and had people wondering what to do. Or even the attacks on September 11th, 2001 people on these days had very little idea what was happening and always worrying what was next. …show more content…

The Bombing took the US by surprise and they went into crisis mode with people all over the country being panicked that they could be targeted next. Humans responded to this crisis by taking shelter and being ready to take action in a war effort against the Japanese who attacked Pearl Harbour. Just like in the film War of the world, there was bravery by people to go out and fight against the people who invading our land and responding to the crisis with unity and starting a full-fledged war effort to make the people responsible for attacking Pearl Harbour

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