Transportation Spread Of Imperialism In The United States

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Imperialism Essay Imperialism was where they took over a country through force. They took over a country by using military force and stuff like that. If you ever took over a country then you were considered and Imperialist country. It doesn’t matter what country as long as it’s not your country and you take it over your a Imperialist. Imperialism was good because they spread transportation, spread language and religion, and there was also access to free resources. Main point 1 transportation spreading. Main point 2 language and religion spreading. Main point 3 is access to free resources. All of these will be talked about in this essay. Transportation spreading because of Britian is the 1st thing that will be talked about.Before Imperialism there was only trains in Britain then they made more railroads so there was more transportation. British people made the first car and spread it. They also had horses and carriages to take them around it may not be quick but it's faster than walking. The horses took them from place to place without putting so much stress on people's legs. People didn’t have to take breaks every five minutes and go like “oh my god I can’t feel my legs,” and then like pass out. Now that this spread they could also get to each other too. Imagine if you and someone else needed to talk and there was no cars and you live 20 …show more content…

So transportation spreading is just trains and cars being made and spread around to the world. Language and religion spreading is allowing people to communicate without fighting about what they believe in. Access to free resources is letting factories work and stuff being able to be made. They had to have the resources so that they could make the products that everyone wanted stuff was in demand and they were selling it. So if 50 people want a car they have to make that product so that they can make money. So you tell me how could Imperialism be bad on what you just

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