Tortoise Monologue

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Have you ever heard of the story of the tortoise and the hare? The hare challanged the tortoise to a race. The hare was so far ahead, he decided to stop and check his facebook account. He was so glued to his screen, the tortoise went right past him and won the race. Wait a minute, that can't be right? Well, it sounds pretty realistic. Men and woman, teenagers, even little boys and girls, are addicted to their precious smartphonesand their tablets and their gamesboys and the whole shabang. People are all so preoccupied with their new toys, that they're missing things. Everything is slowly moving past them, and they're missing it all. Imagine if someone flicked a switch and turned off everything in this world that had a screen on it. Imagine …show more content…

What would we do without technology? Actually, there's a lot of things you could do.We all probably remember the good old days when we were kids, and we didn't grow up with this cursed addiction. Cassey Bois, a student at the York Community College, talks about what her life was like before it all happened. "After school, my neighborhood friends and I would all pile off the bus and spend our afternoons riding bikes, climbing trees, building snowmen, and jumping in leaf piles until the streetlights came on and our mothers would yell for us to come home. We spent our days playing outside, not because we had to but because we wanted to. As the years passed, we grew up and new families with young children moved into the neighborhood. Each winter there were fewer and fewer snowmen in the yards, and each summer the noises of bouncing balls, slapping skateboards, and laughing children faded away." We are losing something very important, and much more precious than oursmartphones. We're losing the beauty of spending time with other people. Going outside and having fun! Cell phones are taking over our minds, trapping us in a virtual prision which we cant escape from. Technology is sucking the life from all of

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