Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Texting and Driving Texting and driving is a potential threat to you and others. It is the leading cause of death from 15-20 year old people. Why would you put yourself in a position for you or others to be hurt or kill? Nearly 1.3 million people were in a cellphone related car crash each year. Texting and driving should be illegal in every state, because it causes so many deaths each year. Texting while driving has become a greater danger than drinking and driving among teenagers. Texting while driving is dangerous for both the driver and pedestrians. Young drivers are in a special category of risk, as the leading cause of death in the age group of 15-20 years old are car accidents. These wrecks claimed the lives of 5 thousand people last year. Most car collisions are four times more likely to happen to a teen, but this does not mean that adults should text and drive. Nearly 1.3 million people are in a cellphone …show more content…

People seem to rely on the use of their devices more than anything. Typically, whenever and wherever, everyone is involved in some form of communication, especially cell phones. From house phones, to older “flip-phones”, and now to I Phones, people practically use up most of their daily time with these devices. A lot of people do not even like to have simple phone conversations, but I mean its 2017 so why would we. In some ways, that is a very good thing; in others cases, it can be extremely dangerous, especially when it comes to texting and driving. There are more ways to communicate other than texting or snapchat believe it or not! Like I said earlier we have cell phones that can turn a 30-minute texting conversation to a 1-minute phone call. I know you might be thinking, it is just as hard to call someone as it is to text. Most modern car now have Bluetooth, or hands free calling so you don’t even have to pick up your cell phone when calling someone. It is amazing what modern technology can

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