Toro's No Risk Guarantee Case Study

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In 2013, Toro Company ran a program called the “Toro® S'No Risk Guarantee: If It Doesn't Snow, Your Snowblower is Free”. This promotion took the risk out of buying a new snow blower from the Toro Company for certain states. The states that had a high yield of snow, Toro would offer if you purchased any Toro new snow blower, and it snows less than 10% of your area’s average snowfall, Toro will give you your money back. Areas that had snow fall less than 50% of the average, Toro would refund 10% of the purchase price. In addition to the percentage returned to the buyer Toro let you keep the new snow blower with it’s guarantee.
In the beginning of the promotion, Snow Risk increased actual sale over $135 million while only paying 4% of that back

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