Tommy's Behavior

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In Tommy’s case study there is information provided that describe his behavior and objectives. To start with, on Tommy ‘s case study background information it mentions that he doesn’t like new people. Tommy gets very quiet and fearful. Tommy has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder as it serves severe emotional behavior disorder. There are actually two behavior targets that the team at school is concerned at the time. First one, Tommy has verbal outbursts. For example, when Tommy is done with his assignments he yells at his teacher's letting them know that he is done with his assignment. Tommy calls other students names that are not proper base on the school regulations. Tommy keeps having trouble controlling what he is saying. Tommy’s second behavior is a physical class disruption. By that, Tommy is actually throwing class’ materials across the room. Grabbing papers and throwing them to the floor. (Case Study)
Tommy’s teachers have tried different ways of helping him with his behavior. Tommy’s teacher will scold him or initiate an office referral. However, then the teacher started to track Tommy’s …show more content…

Tommy’s teacher provided the time and what happened. From fifteen behavior, accidents there were nine verbal and six physical these accidents occur between two minutes to eighteen minutes. These behaviors happen with six times in math, three in check out, one in social studies, two at lunch, one in spelling, one in a small group, and one individually. The ABC provides that the highest of Tommy’s behaviors occur when she is transitioning the class to a new activity or giving new directions. Some of the consequences the teacher provides to Tommy are giving Tommy a choice, redirection, discussion of behavior, personal space was given, verbal reprimand, change activity, remove from class, and time out. Sometimes Tommy stops his behavior and others it continues even of the

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