Thomson A Defense Of Abortion

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Abortion is one of the most argued premise. There are various diverse opinions about this procedure throughout, whether it is right or not, who gets to decide, if it is fair at all to decide who’s life is more valuable. We encounter arguments based on different scenarios and each has a justification to it. According to Thomson, J.J., “A Defense of Abortion” talks about many such scenarios. This essay aims to identify the relevant arguments that Thomson needs to provide and also evaluates whether Thomson 's actual arguments succeed in doing what 's needed.
Many consider that the fetus is a human being from its conception. A fetus acquires its human characteristics at quite an early stage of life. By the tenth week of gestatition the fetus already has a face, arms, fingers and toes, has developed its internal …show more content…

The lady does not want a people seed to establish itself in her house, thus she even takes the measure to ensure herself with the best mesh screens. However if one discovers its way in, unwelcome as it might be, does the truth that the lady purposely gambled such an event when opening her window deny her the capacity to free her place of the intruder? Thomson notes argue the affirmative to this question, claiming that “...after all you could have lived out your life with bare floors and furniture, or with sealed windows and doors”.
In any case, by this rationale, she says, any woman could avoid pregnancy because of assault by essentially having a hysterectomy – a extreme method basically to defend against such a possibility. Thomson concludes that in spite of the fact that there might be times when the fetus has a right to the mother 's body, unquestionably much of the time the fetus does not have a right to the mother 's body. This analogy raises the issue of whether all abortions are unjust

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