Thomas Jefferson's Argument In The Age Of Reasoning

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Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence based off of the cultural influences of intellect and logic in the historical era of the Age of Reasoning. Thomas Jefferson’s literature work is one of the most important document in the historical context because it announces the thirteen original American Colonies’ separation from the British Empire. In the document, Jefferson utilizes reasonable arguments, skillset found in his time era, to provide explanations for the American Colonies’ revolt. Furthermore, Jefferson felt it was necessary to utilize intellect and logic reasoning against the British Empire because it was his civic and personal responsibility to produce a valid argument. In this paper, I will support and justify my claim that in the Declaration, Jefferson utilized his cultural abilities of logical reasoning, the …show more content…

George McMichael asserts in his book “Anthology of American Literature” that the Age of Reasoning “was an age of celebrated discovers” where “People in the eighteenth century sought order everywhere in the natural world” (332). In order to establish a reasonable argument against the British Empire, Jefferson had to utilize the skills of cognitive reasoning that he learned in his time era. For example, Jefferson writes “All men are created equal” (518). He continues when Jefferson argues the British Empire “has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the Lives of our people” (520). Jefferson’s quotes help support the fact that the Age of Reason significantly influenced Jefferson’s literature styles. In his document, Jefferson reasons the British Government has abdicated all basic human rights and Jefferson argued this serves as a completely logical debate to the American Revolt (519). This is also an indicator that support Jefferson’s personal and civic responsibility was to make the arguments in the Declaration legitimate and

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