Things Fall Apart Research Paper

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Religion The Igboland culture relies on religion a great deal throughout their tradition. Throughout the novel “Things Fall Apart” one of the major conflicts encountered during the story is based on religion. The dilemma of trying to convert the villagers of the Umuofia tribe from believing in multiple Gods to christianity was a risky task. The novel “Things Fall Apart” portrays real life conflicts and scenarios of religion throughout the Nigerian culture and community. Throughout the novel it was very difficult for many of the village people to grasp the idea of worshipping one God. The Umuofia tribe was very use to the thought of having several Gods that they would praise and consider their higher power. Although, when the idea was first introduced to the villagers it was done peaceful this did not change the fact that this was a major transition. Converting to christianity would be a huge step for the Umuofia tribe, the values and beliefs were totally different in some sort. For example polygamy which is having multiple wives or partners was a common thing for those of the Umuofia tribe. Therefore, …show more content…

Nigeria has now dealt with the problem of being portrayed as a disunity due to the religion controversy that took place throughout the country. Problems based on religion and ethnicity have affected Nigeria in various ways. As a result of the civil war that took place in Nigeria it affected the country as a whole especially when dealing with politics. The conflicts in Nigeria dealing with religion and ethnicity have now grew worse taking a toll on Nigeria’s economy. According to Onaga(2015) Christianity and Islam are now the most powerful religions and traditions throughout Nigeria which have now became avenues for the ethnic ascendancy.(p. 225) During this time period the country being “One Nigeria” a paradise was a constant ongoing

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