Theme Of Religion In Things Fall Apart

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Religion has been the center of civilization and society’s. Religion is so vital to the growth of a society because it is a form a social construct. Some societies center their values, morals and beliefs based on religion. Once these qualities have been established in a community, people abided by the rules of the religion and develop practices that aligns with the religion. This has been true for many religions such as Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.
In the novel Things Fall Apart, their religion is Igbo which is essential to their entire existence. The Ibo people believed in Gods, spirits and deities. Throughout the entire novel, the villagers had practices and rituals dedicated to “The Gods”. In the Religion, the most respected God is …show more content…

The people of Unfumio were fixed on their views and committed to their beliefs until they arrived. They believed in their appointed Gods and spirits however, after the missionaries arrived, they brought change that would lead to the demise of the Ibo people. The most important change was Christianity which created a conflict between the villagers.
When the Missionaries first arrived, the villagers were confused because it was their first time seeing someone that did not look like them. The missionaries overlooked the richness of the Ibo culture because they felt superior. Their main objective discussed in the novel was to transform the Ibo people in to European beings. Their persistence in doing so led to the demise of the Ibo people and the tittle of the novel “Things fall Apart”.
When he missionaries arrived, they asked for a piece of land from the village elders. The village elders took their request lightly because they believed they would not accept the land especially being that the land was in the Evil Forest. Much to their surprise the missionaries received the land with open arms and rejoiced. The elders began to get worried but still had faith that the spirits of the Evil forest will drive them away. Conversely, nothing happened to the missionaries and the villagers were filled with

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