Theory Of Truth

1306 Words3 Pages

Jaqueline Moeller
Practice PT
To what extent is truth different in mathematics, the natural sciences, and the arts?

Mark Twain, an American author and humorist, once stated that “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” (Quotes about truth) Truth is defined as “the quality or state of being true.” (Free Merriam Webster). As there are various ways to plug truth into context, multiple different theories are used to categorize truth. Three of which will be reflected in this essay in order to discuss some similarities, but furthermore to point out the differences of truth for the areas of knowledge, mathematics, natural science, and the arts.
Three major theories of truth include: correspondence theory of truth, coherence theory of truth, and pragmatic theory of truth. The correspondence theory of truth claims that a statement is true if it corresponds to reality: x is true if x corresponds to some fact. Thus if a dog is on the couch, the statement is true if it comprises three components, that correspond respectively, the dog, the couch, and how they relate. (deductive reasoning) The coherent theory bases truth on the level to which it coheres with all the other beliefs of a system. Using the previous example, this would include that the couch would be understood as a furniture and the dog as a living animal as well as the setting in which they are. The pragmatic theory of truth is a product of pragmatism, an American philosophy that was developed during the early and mid-twentieth century. It comprises that a proposition is true if it is valuable to a belief.
The Natural Sciences explore the knowledge we gain through the physical world such as ch...

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...e areas of knowledge, one could argue that mathematics, art and the natural sciences share the same truth and that there is indeed no difference, however, they may share the same truth but yet it is used and defined different in each Area of knowledge.
The various areas of knowledge do not necessarily compete for each theory of truth. The standard segregation of truth theories into competing camps proceeds under the assumption, or pretense, that they are intended for primary truth bearers.
After having explored what truth is in the three areas of knowledge (natural sciences, mathematics and the arts), it can be said that the application of the truth theories differ. It is not the way truth is seen, because truth can simply mean that there is no untrue, and therefore we can concluded that the way truth is developed and used in the areas of knowledge is different.

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