The Role of Truth in Different Areas of Knowledge

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In three areas of knowledge - art, science and history truth is very different and distinguished from one another. Especially the meaning and the role that the truth plays are very different. The dictionary definition of truth according to the oxford diction is “that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality” or “a fact or belief that is accepted as true”. Finding truth in the three areas of knowledge hugely depends on how the person perceives truth. Thus truth is very subjective since truth is differently perceived by different individuals.

Truth is very hard to find and distinguish in the Arts since it is a very broad and it is expression of an individual’s emotions and feelings. Moreover it is very difficult to judge whether one’s idea or an artwork is right or wrong. Sense perception is a very important factor that affects the way how the person perceives and find truth in art. When we see a landscape painting of a 90miles beach by an abstract artist, the viewers may argue that it does not look like it at all and claim that it is not true. However it may be that the landscape on the painting was how the artist perceived when he or she first saw it. On the other hand the viewers could perceive the painting in a different way and create their own truth within themselves and the painting. “Concept of art is completely subjective. People define their own truth”. It is a question though whether truth can be put into music, dramas, written down on paper or be painted. To an certain extent truth can be translated or created in the form of art.

Truth in natural science through reasoning and not sense perception contrastingly from the arts. Scientific method or laws can only be true if they could be reproduced by tho...

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...unethical on how they have treated Korean people in the early 1900s. However the some of the Japanese people and the media would claim that they were providing technology, help and assistance for our own good. We can see that when personal emotion gets involved in history it is very hard to find the truth- what has really happened in the past.

Works Cited

Bastian, S. (2008). Theory of Knowledge. United Kingdom: Peason Education Limited.

Is history true or mostly true? - Yahoo! Answers. (n.d.). Yahoo! Answers - Home. Retrieved September 25, 2011, from

Is the Big Bang theory real. (n.d.). The Q&A wiki. Retrieved September 25, 2011, from

Truth. (n.d.). Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved September 23, 2011, from

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