Theory Identification Theories Functionalism: Conflict Theory And Labeling Theory

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Theory Identification Paper
Conflict Theory
Labeling Theory
Monica Blanco
Wichita State University

The purpose behind this Identification Theory Research Paper is to help determine four of the identification theories: Functionalism, Interactionism, Conflict Theory and Labeling Theory. This paper help to determine what each of these four theories means and how they contribute to the social norms in society. The method of research used to understand these four theories was found using a my textbook pertaining to my sociology class called Sociology A-Down-To-Earth-Approach by James M. Henslin, I also used two books that were found using Googles Scholars called Developmental and Life Course Theories …show more content…

Each part they play serves a purpose, whether that means that they are either the funny one, serious one, or even the smart one within their group. The idea that functionalism is where behaviorism is rooted and grew, was thought up by William Lycan. This means that how we were raised by our parents and how society has influenced us has helped us determine where we belong within our own social groups. William James is also a well known functionalism theorist. James studied how influenced behavior and how it applied to psychology and how that affects the mental behavioral processes functions and how they enable the a person to adapt to their society. Functionalism helps sets the roles in which that each individual within a group in order to keep the social order within …show more content…

The inner control have to deal closely to the social norms. It's the half of a person that tends to be the rule follower and do what is seemed as "normal" behavior. Walter Reckless is a psychologist that studies conflict theory and helped determine some factors pertaining to inner control. Reckless stated that factors of inner controls are an individual's religious principles, the idea of what is right and what is wrong and also the fear of punishment and repercussions. Another conflict theorist is Travis Hischi and he stated that the stronger our bond is to society the more effective our inner control. Our outer control is an individual's other half that gives that us the need to break rules and social norms and do what an individual knowns to be "wrong". For those individual's who cant seem to control their outer persona and tend to disrupt the common social norm, they can in some cases find themselves in jail. However, some conflict theorist argue that the legal system was developed to maintain the social order and peace for the upper class and suppress the lower

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