The Ways that the Director Builds Suspense and Scares the Audience in the Film JAWS

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The Ways that the Director Builds Suspense and Scares the Audience in the Film JAWS

The film JAWS was directed by Steven Spielberg and is about the

struggle of men trying to defeat a great threat in the shape of a

shark. It is set in small town of Amity in 1974.This is a classic

horror film structure imitating for example, Alfred Hitchcock's 'The

Birds' (1963). From normality comes fear. The main part of the film is

set on the 4th July, which is independence day, the significance of

this is being that there would be a lot of people their and it is

something to build up to. This could also signify the shark's total

independence, contrasting with the main characters who must depend

upon each others expertise.

In the opening scene and throughout the film, music is strongly

connected to the shark. In the opening scene the music begins very

quiet and slow this is to symbolise the calmness of the scene and is

also used as a contrast to the later loud and upbeat rhythm. As the

scene goes on the music changes dramatically from a quiet soft sound

to a harsh, louder and faster type of music which help to increase

tension and build suspense. This main music is what the film is well

recognised for and received awards. In the opening scene the use of no

music is just as important as the music. The eerie silence suggests

that something sinister is going to happen. When the first attack is

taking place for a long while there is silence and it is only when you

have the shark's point of view shot that the music starts. As the

shark gets closer the music increases to create a dangerous atmosphere

and to develop the tension. During the attack the musi...

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his last shot and determination Brody shoots the canister and the

shark explodes. The audience is left with a sense of triumph

My favourite and what I feel the scariest part of the film was when

Hooper was under the water exploring the ship and the fisherman's head

fell into the hole. I think this is the best part because you are not

expecting it and also because you can see how much destruction the

shark has caused. I think it is well shot and much unexpected. Steven

Spielberg was an unknown 27 year old at the start of this film, but

managed to make 'Jaws' and adventure/action/suspense film which had

previously unseen special effects. It appealed to everyone, regardless

of age or gender, and the director's techniques broke new ground, now

widely used in suspense movies and winning him a much - deserved


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