The Ways in Which the WWF Advertisement Persuades the Reader to Donate Money

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The Ways in Which the WWF Advertisement Persuades the Reader to Donate Money In this essay I will analyse the ways in which the World Wildlife Fund persuade the reader to donate money through the use of this poster. The target audience of the poster is middle aged workers with some degree of disposable income and also anybody who has an interest in preserving the wildlife of the world. For their target audience to see the poster they will publish it in broadsheet newspapers and send it in the mail along with other adverts of a similar description. The poster is illustrated with a very graphic image of a dead rhino covered in blood and most importantly with its horn stolen, showing that poachers and hunters will do such things to an animal just to collect ivory. The headlines in this poster are presented as bold white writing on a black background. This effect is used to create a sense of urgency and to emphasise the cause that the headline is portraying. The problem is that in the last one hundred years humans have decimated the population of the animal kingdom and it is time, at the dawn of the millennium, that we did something to make up for what we have allowed to happen. On the second page of the WWF advert there is a list written in bold, showing horrific facts of animal deaths and their extremely dwindling numbers. The list and the accompanying paragraph lay the blame on all humanity and not only the people who do this, as if to suggest that even those not killing them are to blame for letting it happen as well. The entire advert is split up using sub-headings; each sub heading introduces the paragraph or section to come and effectively allows you to skim read or just browse through the paragraphs by the subheading alone. The text is laid out with informal Paragraphs, with sections of bold and plain text divided by the subheadings I have described above. The only negative to the use of

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