Essay Summary: Laryngectomy And Health Care

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Laryngectomy is partial or total removal of the voice box (larynx). The larynx allows air to pass through the vocal cords, which allows you to speak and breathe. After having a laryngectomy, you will no longer be able to speak normally or breathe out of your nose and mouth. Instead, you will have an opening (stoma) in the front of your neck that you will use to breathe and communicate.
Laryngectomy is commonly done to treat cancer of the larynx. If cancer has spread (metastasized) to the lymph nodes in the neck, lymph nodes may be removed from one or both sides of the neck. Lymph nodes are part of the body 's disease-fighting (immune) system.

• Any allergies you have.
• All medicines …show more content…

• To reduce your risk of infection:
○ Your health care team will wash or sanitize their hands.
○ Your skin will be washed with soap.
• An IV tube will be inserted into one of your veins.
• You will be given a medicine to make you fall sleep (general anesthetic). You may also be given medicine to help you relax (sedative).
• A flexible tube (catheter) will be put into your bladder to drain urine.
• You may have a tube put through your nose or mouth and into your stomach (nasogastric tube). The nasogastric tube removes digestive fluids and prevents you from throwing up or feeling nauseous. It may be kept in after the procedure to give you nutrition while your incision heals.
• A U-shaped incision will be made in your neck. The incision will start just below your ear, and will continue below your larynx and up to the other side of your neck.
• Your larynx will be separated from your windpipe (trachea) and removed.
• An incision will be made in your trachea.
• Your trachea will be attached to the skin of your neck to create a stoma.
• One or more of your lymph nodes may be removed from your

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