Essay On Animal Debarking

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Many people believe that debarking is the best, easiest, and most effective way to keep a dog from barking loudly. Yes, debarking may solve this problem, but not in a positive way. Debarking is a surgical procedure that carves out some of a dog's vocal cords through an incision in their mouth or neck. This process is used to soften or get rid of a dog’s bark. However, the costs outweigh the benefits. Debarking has negative side effects that are shown through post-surgery effects, cases gone wrong, and solutions other than debarking.

Debarking is stressful for dogs because they are no longer able to use their first defense mechanism. Instead of the animal being able to defend itself through noise, it feels like they need to go straight to their second defense mechanism, biting. Often times when a dog barks humans tend to think that it is a warning sign and they back off even though the dogs may being playful; however, it is better to be safe than sorry. If the dog is no longer able to bark as loud as before, humans may not be able to read the animal and realize that the dog is trying to express fear or anxiety. Humans may approach the dog, and get bitten because they were not able to recognize the warning signs (“Debarking”). Another post surgery effect is that the vocal cords swell and …show more content…

A relatively low risk and quick surgery; however, after the surgery Stella’s vocal cords began to swell and she was having trouble breathing one day while playing. Her owners realized it and rushed her to the veterinarian. The doctor had to perform an emergency surgery that involved cutting out the swollen tissue which required a large incision along her neck leaving an ugly scar. This surgery was much more expensive than the original devocalization or hiring a dog trainer and could eventually require another removal of swollen tissues (Devocalized: Stella’s

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