The Visible Human Project: A Comparative Analysis

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Do you ever wonder what advanced biological sciences? The Visible Human Project is a form of studying anatomy and the human body in all aspects. It is a practice that still goes on today. It is a form of sciences that advanced other discoveries, through it’s process of cross sectioning the human body and putting the information together. The Visible Human Project is a form of biotechnological science that is used to study human anatomy. Frankenstein uses a process much like this; One is fictional, the other real, but they both work toward a similar cause: understanding human life.
The Visible Human Project is a biotechnological science that is used to study human anatomy.The Visible Human Project, VHP, is where cadavers, dead bodies donated …show more content…

Both scientists today and Victor Frankenstein work toward a similar cause, understanding human life. In the Novel, Frankenstein creates a creature from dead tissues, this gives him a deeper understanding of human life (Shelley). Today, scientists are using the VHP to understand human life in the aspect of the body and it’s functions (Waldby).In the novel, Frankenstein works toward the cause of creating human life; therefore, he must learn about and understand human life. Scientists today also work toward this cause. Even though one is fictional the other is happening today; they are both working to understand the mystery that is human life and how it works.
Though Frankenstein is a fictional novel, The Visible Human Project, is very much real. In the novel, Frankenstein uses a process much like this; though one is fictional, the other real, they both work toward a similar cause: understanding human life. Through the VHP scientists have advanced other studies and knowledge we have today. Frankenstein had a similar process that he used to created life. Through both of their processes and knowledge they learned, these scientists have a deeper understanding of human life. Through this we can learn about what exactly advanced biological

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