The Unexpected and Tony Kites Arch Deceiver

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Compare And Contrast The Unexpected and Tony Kites Arch Deceiver

Both these short stories are similar because the time they were

written at (19th Century) but different in tone. The narrative "The

Unexpected" has a more serious manner to it because of the way women

were treated at the time.

At the time, women were not allowed to vote, women did not have

important jobs in their society and did not have equal rights. Women

were mostly dependant on men. Women married men to gain power in

society but most of all money. Today women are now becoming far more

independent and have more equal opportunities.

The short story "The Unexpected" is about a man called Randall, which

has a relationship with Dorothea. It is obvious when Randall returns

from his illness there is an obvious change with his appearance and

personality. We can tell what she thinks of Randall at the time by her

immediate response.

"This was not the man the man who had gone away from her; the man she

loved and had promised".

This quote indicates that she manages to make this thought just by


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