The Twelve Tables

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(Camera zooms as Waylon speaks to the viewers) Waylon: Welcome to Wednesday Morning Live. (intro plays) ( Waylon walks onstage, Wednesday Morning Live flashes onscreen) Waylon: Welcome back to another episode of Wednesday Morning Live. Today’s subject is Ancient Rome: You know, that place that gave us Caesar salad. (audience laughs) But we’ll mainly be discussing Rome’s fascinating history. And let’s give a warm welcome to our co-host, Christian! (audience claps as Christian enters) Christian: We’ll be starting with Roman history and going into religion. I’m sure we already know about the creation of Rome, you know, with Romulus and Remus, so we should start with the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic was started in 509 BC by Lucius …show more content…

What were the Twelve Tables? The Twelve Tables were a code of law that was created by the Decemvirate, that was used to keep everything equal between the Patricians and Plebeians, the two classes in Rome. The patricians were the wealthy, and the plebeians were the poor. The Twelve Tables were made by the Decemvirate, from 451-449 BC. They were a consul of judges, twelve to be precise. There was an election and 9 new judges were elected. One of the original judges was elected to be in the second consul because he was thought to be fair and equal, but he ended up being an evil tyrant and added two new tables that oppressed the Plebeians, giving more power to the Patricians. Now let’s talk about The Laws on the Twelve …show more content…

I want to talk about from 290 B.C. on! Waylon: You can do it after I talk about the rule of Caesar and Octavian! Caesar’s actual reign didn’t take up that much time, as before his actual dictatorship began he was a consul. He continually switched out with Crassus as consul, and eventually gained enough power to overcome Pompey and become ruler. After his downfall, Octavian took power and through strategy and small trickery he rose to the top and added important features to Rome that would stick with many civilizations for years to come. Christian: OK. My turn. From 264 B.C. to 202 B.C., Rome fought against Carthage in the three Punic Wars. Let’s start with the basics of the Punic Wars. What were the Punic Wars? The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between ancient Rome and Carthage. Carthage had a powerful navy, an army of soldiers, and enough wealth to do whatever they pleased, and Rome had NO knowledge of over-sea battles at all, as well as no navy. During this time, Roman traders caught in Carthage’s waters had their ships taken and they were drowned. Now let’s talk about the first Punic War. But first, a commercial break. (commercial

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