The Transition From Special Education

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I started researching what transitions take place in special education. The main type of transition is the transition from special education to becoming a member of society. On I found a document that states that, “One of the main goals of IDEA is to prepare for the students to be prepared for employment and independent living”. There are two significant insights I learned from this quote.
The first insight is special education should be planning to help student’s transition into employment. That means that their curriculum should be focused on teaching the students the skills they need to obtain employment. The second insight I gained from the quote is that the students need to become as independent as possible. After I read this I noticed that the special education room I helped in at Central Valley High School was completing these requirements for transitioning and I did not even notice it. The students learn how to sort, count, and type numbers into calculators or registers. These are all skill they need for their job. The students also learn how to socially interact with others to help them keep their job. The students also learn what skills they need to learn to live on their own. They learn how to cook, they learn to use the bathroom themselves, and they learn how to make good decisions. To help become more independent the students in that class also do bucket activities to learn how to learn on their own without the constant help of a teacher or paraprofessionals.
According to the article I learned that transition plans are required on an IEP by the time the students reach the age 16. It is ideal to have the transition plan on the by 14 though. This is to help prepare the student gradually for life af...

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...l also meet their new teachers.
Once the student is at Barker their specific comfort items like an exercise ball or pictures they use will go with them to Barker. This will help make the change not seem as big. The new teachers will also be in contact with Mr. Mitchell to ask him any questions about Max they may have as the school year goes on.
I learned so much from the interview with Mr. Mitchell. I did not know that Special Education teachers put so much effort into helping the transition go smoother. I had no idea about the tours of the new school or meeting the new teachers prior but it makes sense. What also stood out to me was how communication is essential; the more the teacher communicates with the student and parents the better the transition will go.

Question 4: If the students are not ready to go into a General Education Classroom how is LRE meet?

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