The Theme Of Bullying In Thirteen Reasons Why By Jay Asher

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Always Another Option In everyone’s life, one will experience an acquaintance with suicide. People go about different ways to cope with the tragedy, as they do with everything else. However, as morbid as suicide is many individuals believe that discussing suicide is very necessary. Jay Asher is one of those individuals. Asher wrote the bestseller Thirteen Reasons Why, that is about a teenager, Hannah, in high school that goes through many traumatic things that result in her choosing to end her life. This book has freed his thoughts on suicide, that it is a necessary topic to discuss especially with the youth of today. On the other hand, many believe the book is normalizing the concept of suicide to teenagers. They believe that the book my even encourage suicide to teens that are going through similar things as the character Hannah. In the novel Thirteen Reasons Why, Jay Asher displays the theme of bullying, which opens up polarizing discussion about the social issues of the normalization of suicide and necessary topics. Asher showcases the theme of bullying in the novel Thirteen Reasons Why, through the character Hannah and her trials and tribulations with her fellow classmates and high school life. When she is alive, Hannah goes through many misfortunes with many different classmates including Justin Foley, Alex Standall, Jessica Davis, Tyler Down, Courtney Crimson, Marcus, Zach Dempsey, Ryan …show more content…

Asher displays many trials and tribulations of the character Hannah from his book. They showcase the hardships and tragedy she goes through. And many are critical of how Asher has portrayed this to teens all over the country. On the opposite side of the spectrum, many are very supportive of him for bringing light upon a difficult topic for not only teens, but people who have lost loved ones due to

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