She's Too Young

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“She’s Too Young” portrays the devastating story of a teenage girl and her tragic high school experience. A ninth grader, named Hannah, was emotionally damaged along with a numerous amount of other girls and there was a raging syphilis epidemic within the school. Despite Hannah’s overprotective mother, she began to date a popular boy, named Nick. Hannah’s mother was not very fond of him and her close friends didn’t approve of him either. She thought that she knew better than everyone else, but she obviously did not. After Hannah and other girls endured sexual intercourse with Nick, they soon developed syphilis. Hannah primarily restrained from having sex with him, but as she noticed he started to lose interest in her, she agreed to have sex. …show more content…

Like Dawn and Becca, there are a few girls in school who try to get with popular guys. The downside of this is the whole school ends up finding out and starts ridiculing the girl. The guy usually is praised and ends up happy while the girl is suffering from name-calling and mocking. As mentioned before, Hannah’s mother was very protective and tried to keep Hannah out of harm’s way as much a s she could. On the other hand, Dawn’s mother was more of a friend and was not protective of her daughter. Hannah’s mother’s parenting was much better than Dawn’s mother’s parenting because she at least warned Hannah of what could happen to her meanwhile, Dawn’s mother encouraged Dawn to take part in dangerous activities. Hannah’s mother is definitely safer than Dawn’s mother, even though Dawn’s mother seems like the “cool” parent. Additionally in the movie, Hannah is somewhat pressured and felt obligated to do some of the things she did not originally want to do. Nick and Hannah’s friends influenced her decisions negatively based upon what she actually wanted to do. If I ever encounter a situation where I feel

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