The Theater Certainly is Not What it Was!

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The Theater Certainly is Not What it Was!

Each time I watch a theatrical performance I always walk away inspired but I always feel as if something were missing from the overall performance. Maybe there could have been more special effects done with the lighting or the character(s) costume(s) could have been more colorful or the soundtrack should have been jazzier.

Someone once told me, "Why don't you just go see a movie!?"

Well okay I like movies too, especially the special effects and the graphics, but I can appreciate plays, dance performances just because it is not a movie. I like using my imagination where some visual elements are left up the audience member to see in their minds the way they want to see it.

Why mot make theater more interactive? The first play I wrote, the audience sat too far away from the stage. I wanted them to be closer. The audience laughed through the whole thing but I think it would have been funnier if they were on the stage, close enough to be apart of the action.

The first digital video I made here at ITP was so pretty to me. It's amazing how a flower looks spinning slowly to a soundtrack that is slightly faster. I am curious to how it would look to see 2 performers dance in front of that spinning flower.

There is so much I can visualize and so many things I want people to know that if it were a play or movie it would be too long to watch in one sitting. What I want to so is show the audience everything all at once. If there is a character having a bad dream, I want to show the audience that drem in 3D without having to go to the movies. I want to preserve the personal sacred space of a theater.

Everyone knows that person whoe shouts at the screen when they are watching a scary movie, "NO!! DON'T GO IN THERE!!!!!" Well I want the people in the feature to hear that person and then react to what they said.

The context for my field of interest is INTERACTIVE THEATER. How do I connect the world of computer technology w/ the written play?

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