The Study of Human Race and Ethnicity

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Physical and Biological anthropologists have proven that human race indeed exists and is valid. Through modern bone analysis techniques like midfacial measurements and femur traits for example, we are now able to distinguish the biological background of different Homo sapiens. Forensic anthropologists identify human remains based on their race. Race is the key to science. The biggest misconception of race is racism. Race has become this controversial topic that is considered taboo in today’s society. Many argue that race is not in fact the way to defines human background/culture. The opposition claims that environmental adaptation is the number one reason for our appearance. Environment alone will not answer the question. Does environment affect our brains? Does environment affect our IQ levels? Race is wrongfully tied within the category of racism due to horrific and unfortunate human actions in the past. The topic brings an immediate thought of African American slavery; where is the dreaded topic to discuss. We, as individuals need to educate ourselves in accepting the reality of our lives and in which race does exist. There is nothing wrong with that. We need to take pride in our ethnic background and appreciate the other ethnicities. The beauty of life is that we all come from unique descents and variety needs to be cherished to form unity. You will find time after time that nobody wants to talk about the word race. Race is something that we are to think does not exist. It is taboo to mention it. Scientists will say, there is no such thing as race, and yet, all throughout medical science you’ll see that genetics and race all have some sort of existence. “They can identify skeletons as to racial origins but... ... middle of paper ... ... biased towards other races. Race is the reality of life and its something that we should be proud of in order to keep our uniqueness alive. If the belief in race is eliminated, so will various races. Take the Native American or “Indian American” in though for example. The Native American race is the original race that was living long before the birth of the United States. Through harsh environments, diseases, and war, the number of their population dramatically declined. Only a few pure Native American tribes are living to this date. For the most part the Native American race is fading as generations go by. Should we forget about this race? If we refer to Americans as a specified name as Northern Americans for example, we are classifying over hundreds of ethnicities as one. Many races that are no longer obvious to the public eye will be forever forgotten.

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