The Stigma Surrounding Cyberbullying

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One last roadblock, and a very important one, is that collectively as a society we do not take this problem seriously. Many people have the idea within their heads that victims of this abuse can simply ignore the messages or just log off their accounts. In fact I interviewed 6 college students on this subject and asked them what advice they would give someone who is being cyber bullied. Shockingly, 4 out of 6 of them stated that the victim should either delete their social media or block the person and then just let it go. Nour Fouladi stated “I just think it is dumb because if it is really as bad as they say they can easily turn their device off”. When I asked her if she thought this was a serious issue she responded that “In most cases I do not think it is” (Fouladi). …show more content…

The fact that it happens online tends to make people believe that it is not as harmful as physical bullying. Also, there are an overwhelming trolls on the internet who spend their time making light of cyberbullying. However, many people are not aware that cyberbullying as, previously stated, has many other forms that more than rude messages. Furthermore, victims can be cyberbullied by people they know in real life which makes it difficult to “log off” from the situation. They may find it difficult to just brush off the abusive messages especially if they are constantly bombarded with them. This means that even though the bullying is digital the repercussions are real and the negative feelings it gives its victims can not be

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