The Software Engineering Code Of Ethics And Professional Practice

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Consider the following scenario; Billy works in the IT department for Cadmus Labs, a genetic research laboratory in Washington, DC. Billy was the best in the field and was soon asked to assist on a top secret project called Project 13. He immediately accepted the promotion and felt honored to be given such an amazing opportunity. However, within a month of working on the project, Billy discovered that the project’s goal was to create a super weapon as a duplicate and closest genetic equivalent of Superman in an effort to destroy Superman. Billy was outraged and refused to continue work on the project. He then went on to report the information that he gathered to the government so the project could be stopped. Was Billy ethical in his actions?
The first one is the public. Software engineers should make sure to act with the public interest in mind. Next is the client and employer. In addition to acting with the public interest in mind, the software engineer must also act in a manner with the best interests of the client and employer. The software engineer must also ensure that their products meet the highest professional standards. In addition to that, they should maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment. The fifth concept, management, states that managers should promote an ethical approach to the management of software development. The next concept states that it is the job of the software engineers to advance the integrity and reputation of the profession. The next concept states that software engineers shall be fair and supportive of their colleagues. The eighth and final concept states that software engineers should constantly learn more about their profession and promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession (Gotterban). This code was adopted by societies such as the ACM and IEEE-CS and some people question whether or not it is comprehensive. I believe that the SECEPP is a coherent and comprehensive code of ethics for the computing and IT profession because it can help evaluate whether or not
Whistleblowers can be employees, suppliers, contractors, clients or any individual who somehow becomes aware of illegal activities taking place in a business either through witnessing the behavior or being told about it (Whistleblower Definition). In the Hughes whistleblowing case, five whistleblowers came out against the Hughes Aircraft Company in a total of four cases against the company. A former engineer for the company, Mr. Denlinger, released information about the company selling chips that they knew to contain cracked glass seals. And even though the company went about finding the cause of the problem, they still continued to sell the cracked chips because fixing them would be too costly (Lev). In two separate cases, William J. Schumer and Linda Lujan both claim that the Hughes Aircraft Company inflated the costs of items they sold by falsifying information (Stevenson). In the last case, two women, Goodearl and Aldred, released sensitive information of how the company knowingly and deliberately produced hybrid chips that were not tested according to military specifications and made false statements and documents to cover it up (Bowyer). Edward Snowden is another well known whistleblower. Edward Snowden was a former CIA employee who leaked information about the NSA programs that collected information about telephone calls of Americans and e-mails of

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