The Similarities Between North And South America In The 1800s

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In the 1800s, the North side is way different from the South side, they share only a few similarities and have lots of differences. Today we’re going to be talking about the similarities and the differences of the North and South, here are a few similarities.

The North and South America in the 1800s has some things that are in common, they are both English, the North and South are both in the same country but separate by different thoughts. They are both in the country of immigrants, the U.S have people from all around the world, some even came from China. They both grew in population, North had more people than South. They both have booming economy, South farms to get money, North have industries. They both have transportations, North had a lot more than South does, and that’s all the similarities that I can think of, now let’s talk about the differences.

The North and South had lots of differences, one of the most important one is slavery, North outlawed slavery at 1777, by the time of the 1850s, slavery was almost completely gone in the North while the South still has lots of slaves. The South outlawed slavery at 1865, but before that slavery in …show more content…

The North have little farm while the South have plantations, the North grows varied plants while the South only grow cotton. Reason why the North doesn’t grow much plants is because their soil and climate is bad for farming, they have rushing rivers which is good for industry. Most people that immigrate immigrate to the North, the North have jobs to offer and they get paid, people rarely immigrate to the South because they don’t have much industry, most immigrants are Irish or German, Germans move because of war and Irish people move because of Potato

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