The Shining Analysis

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The Shining is a riveting tale of desperation, conviction and maniacal Characterization that creates a masterpiece of hysteria no other could have done. The movie had continuous themes throughout the movie such as the Apollo moon landing, Indian burial artifacts and cans of cornstarch. It's intense drama and precise filming as left many audience members in awe and in search of answers to all of their questions. Every time you blink, you seem to miss a critical moment. This is how a viewer feels rough out the movie the shining. Every moment is crucial, to figuring out what the movie truly means, and even when that is done, it is still puzzling. Some certain small clues like the Indian stained glass, and the bKing powder cans leave the audience questioning every move. There were so many options they could have down with the ending, so why did they leave jack to die like that. Where was that scene of revenge that everyone wanted to see so badly? What is puzzling is the cross …show more content…

He seems to have schizophrenia type symptoms and can never truly hold it together. I believe this film is a mental breakdown of what a care taker had to go through when we was trapped alone a hotel on the inside. I would guess that the boy and mother were both hallucinations of his own figment. The reason that the other children don't play with him or find him entertaining is because they can't find him. He isn't real. The mother is more on the quiet shy. She has the hear no, see no, speak no demeanor. It's have if she is trying to make herself invisible. Jack had just somehow lost his job and everything he had because of an accident, or was it truly because he was going crazy. I think that jacks take is one of suffering through Schizophrenia. Instead if alcohol it could have been plenty of things that pushed him to become that way. It was an addiction that turned into his nightmare come

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