The Sexulation Of Young Girls In The 21st Century

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Young girls in the 21st century are more likely to be seen or referred to as sex objects. Today we see advertisement and media targeting young children specifically using inappropriate and explicit images. They are negatively influencing little girls to act in adult sexual ways. Children are just as emotionally vulnerable as adults, who are being exposed to this daily, through the internet, television, and merchandising. We fail to realize that with the sexulation of little girls there is also consequences to other other gender. There is now certain standards of how one is supposed to look, act, and be according to their sex. There is no longer after 9 hour television. Hollywood can show “soft porn” when really who is allowing porn in general …show more content…

Women, adolescents, and girls are okay with playing the passive role. There’s this idea that men can’t be too feminine and girls can’t be too masculine, and this is causing our children to develop gender binary mindsets. “Boys have feelings and emotions. They need empathy and engagement. But we tell them, ‘Don’t be needy’ or ‘Don’t cry.’ We are pitting a boy’s neurobiology and human need for relationships against a culture that says boys should never show vulnerability.”(Castiex) This society expects boys to be tough because if they show any feminine traits it could cause one to question their manhood or even sexulaity. So what does this do to girls?

Cause Paragraph 1-Women are depicted as sex objects in the media.
According to, a foundation that seeks to uncover the hypersexulation of boys reports that 93% percent of boys are exposed to internet porn before the age of 18. Both boys and girl are affected negatively by little restriction of what gets put on the internet.
Little girls are growing up play with barbie dolls that shape their idea of beauty.
The “ideal women” has been created through capitalism and political propaganda, we as a society place physical attributes above intellect aspect of a

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