The Sermon On The Mount

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When preaching, one must stay focused on the main point and stay true to it so that the audience knows precisely where they are being led. In the lecture, both Jesus and Paul are precise in where they are leading the audience to their messages in a laser-like manner.
“A major affirmation of our definition of expository preaching, therefore, maintains that ‘expository preaching is the communication of a biblical concept.’ That affirms the obvious. A sermon should be a bullet, not buckshot,” shares Haddon Robinson. With the reading of the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus and Paul’s teaching to the church of Colossae, we will see the precise teaching that gives the audience accurate direction.

Jesus opens up His teachings, from the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7), with the ‘The Beatitudes.’ (Matt. 5: 1-11). This is a series of blessings that tells people if they do what is right, blessings will result from it. Messenger …show more content…

This is an area where moral thinking and living shows up for the believers. “Discovering the will of God and discerning the right thing to do are not always easy; doing the right thing is equally difficult,” note Trull and Carter. As mentioned, saying the right thing, and actually doing it, can be a monumental task. The old adage, “actions speaks louder than words,” is the fundamental task at hand. Lastly, Jesus shares not to judge or you will be judged (7:1-6); to keep seeking after Him (7:7-12); that He is the narrow way to God (7:13-23); and to build your faith on a solid foundation (7∷24-28). Trull and Carter sum up the sermon on the mount by saying, “Character is basic to all ethical decisions. Who we are determines what we do. Jesus stressed that truth in his teachings, especially in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7).” Throughout His teachings, character and integrity are the central themes that Jesus emphasized on the

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