The Science Of Mother's Day Summary

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The Science of Mother’s Day Summary: “The Science of Mother’s Day” is actually an article published on the Why? Files website. The article discusses child development and factors that can detract from or enhance development. These can include attachment issues, socialization, environment, family structure and poverty. The article focuses primarily on the mother-child relationship but also includes paternal influences, the significance of fostering, and the role nurture plays in developmental stages. The article includes research results from experiments performed by Harry Harlow and Mary Carlson, the effects of deprivation on children warehoused in Romanian orphanages in the 1980’s, the autistic like …show more content…

He relates these terms to analogies and everyday situations to help us comprehend their meanings in regard to social influence and persuasion. A taxonomy or list of strategies gives the audience insight as to how we are manipulated by such methods as the Altruism technique of “Do Me a Favor”, I really need this photocopied right now can you help me out? Or by the Reward technique, “I’ll give you X if you buy this product today.” Ethics are also considered. A few important concepts on the website involve bad information, and the difference between persuasion and coercion. Because the author of the website studies social influence as a science, not an art form, he is adamant about exposing bad information and the “pseudoscience” it promotes. Rhoads stresses one should be wary of motivational and self-esteem seminars, some types of hypnotists and those who sell books on magical influence and control. Mindfulness (central or systematic) and mindlessness (peripheral or heuristic) thinking is explored and again Rhoads uses everyday choices we make to demonstrate these …show more content…

I learned about the different kinds of sleep disorders and that there are several types of sleep apnea. I also learned that insomnia is not actually a disorder but a “complaint” stemming from what is really affecting a person’s sleep or lack of sleep. I also was fascinated with the medical devices used to combat sleep disorders. Is there anyway the website could be considered controversial? This site cannot be deemed offensive or controversial, but there are a couple of concerns. The major issue is that the author does not identify himself. I am not sure why he does not as he seems very knowledgeable about sleep disorders and cites a respected background/employment in this area. Did you find the website helpful? This website was helpful in educating people about sleep disorders; especially if you suffer from a sleep disorder. It describes symptoms of various sleep disorders, different treatment options and where you can find help. There is a sleep apnea quiz you can take where you check off boxes for symptoms that you experience. At the end of the quiz you receive feedback about your answers in regard to the possibility of suffering from sleep apnea. How did it relate to the

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