The Role Of Oppression Of Slaves In Today's Society

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The oppression of slaves leads to oppression in today’s world because African American slaves were often looked down upon as less than human, oppressed, and discriminated while whites were powerful, influential, and had opportunities. Thus, in today’s world, African Americans would naturally be oppressed, for example, Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till’s case, because of their past history. As shown in the slave petition, slaves were deprived of social privileges and everything necessary to make life livable. That shows that slave owners had the power to treat their slaves however they preferred. Since African Americans weren’t regarded as a human during the time of slavery in the future they would be oppressed because of their past history. History of slavery shown …show more content…

Evidence that supports this claim is shown on “Nightjohn” page. 36, “Don’t. They catch you doing that and they’ll think you’re learning to read. You learn to read and they’ll whip you till your skin hangs like torn rags. Or cut your thumb off.” This is significant because it describes that if you get caught learning how to read they would beat you until mutilated. Also, slaves were to obey their master’s words. According to "Nightjohn" pg. 14, "He wants that we should call him 'master' and they's some do when he can hear but we call him dog droppings and pig slop and worse things when he ain't listening nor close." This evidence is important because it shows that African Americans are oppressed and whites are higher-ranking and has the power to do whatever they want with their slaves. An example of oppression today is Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin was just walking around the neighborhood at

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