The Restoration of the Kingdom of Judah

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Judah was not the only nation that had been taken captive to Babylon, others escaped to Egypt and parts unknown. However God was not finished with the tribe of Judah. In the Old Testament He had revealed through the prophets how He would reconstruct the nation of Israel after the desolation of the land. Towards the end of the Old Testament period it reveals how God reestablished His nation.

In 586 B.C., King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had overthrown Judah, and the land was in ruins, and the people were in exile. Very little is known about the lives of the Jews after the fall of Jerusalem in 586.B.C. To console the people, Jeremiah writes to the captives telling them to go on with their lives (Jeremiah 29: 5 – 7). The exiled Jews established communities with homes, and businesses, and were allowed to follow their customs. Many of God’s people such as Ester, Daniel, and Mordacai had achieved high ranking positions in Babylon. During these times the Jews had to decide whether or not they were going to remain faithful to God, or suffer the consequences of God’s wrath for their disobedie...

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