The Reflection Of Becoming A Scholar Course Project

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Over the course of my Becoming a Scholar course project, I was opened up to a whole new group of experiences and lessons that I never thought I would. When we first started this class at the beginning of the semester, I didn’t have many expectations. Sure, this was a course designed to help guide and prepare us first years for the rest of our college experience, but with my high school background, I didn’t think much of it. In high school, I was one of the students that had course work and homework come naturally to me. I always did well in my classes and had outstanding marks. So when I was told that I had to take a mandatory classes with all my fellow first year students, I immediately wrote it off. Because of this, I didn’t really expect …show more content…

Some were more difficult than others when it came to terms of figuring out a smart and beneficial solution. The biggest problem I faced throughout all aspects of my project was time management. Typically, this isn’t a problem that I am faced with when it comes to big projects like this one. But from the start of this process, when we were starting to settle on a topic, I noticed that I was pushing it to the side to focus on other things going on in my other classes, things that seemed at the time to be more important. And this trend continued on all the way until the three week mark until projects were due. It wasn’t until I realized how important it was for me to have been working on this project before hand. The overwhelming feeling of stress and anxiety didn’t help when it came time to start working on my project. While I did have some research done but that didn’t help when it came to the project itself, it was a terrifying feeling not knowing what you were going to due for a project that was due in three weeks. A lot of the major problems that I faced throughout my work could had been simply resolved if I would had just stuck with a schedule of some sort when it came to my

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