The Puppet Master

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Crime happens every day. Some of the most common reasons people commit crimes are child abuse, drug addiction, mental health issues, and repetitive crime history. Many criminals have a logical reason for their crime and believe they are doing the right thing. That is the case with a man who calls himself The Puppet Master. The Puppet Master makes a solid argument against the government, but uses the wrong methods to show it. He is supporting a cause he believes in, but manipulating the situation, and threatening people’s lives. The Puppet Master makes a solid argument against the government because he is supporting a cause he believes in. In the book, the Puppet Master gives his reason for strapping Sarah to a bomb. In Petry’s novel the codebreaker, The Puppet master reveals that he hates Secretary of defense Rutledge, Sarah’s father. An operation nicknamed Shellhell went very wrong, but Rutledge manipulated the media into believing the operation was a success. It was later revealed that the Puppet Master’s brother was killed during the operation. This is a very good reason for hating someone. The Puppet Master, in some cases, would be considered a hero for trying to …show more content…

In every situation, the team is always a step behind the Puppet Master. The Puppet Master controls everything that happens. In section 3 of Petry’s novel, the Puppet Master makes Tanner and Murphy go into the cellar. There are many more examples in the story where he makes Tanner and Murphy and other characters do what he wants. This is not a good way to support a cause he believes in, because it is too violent. Gandhi used a better method to support a cause he believed in. He used the peaceful protest method, which was fighting nonviolently. This would’ve been a much better method than manipulating the situation and taking advantage of people. The Puppet Master manipulated the situation throughout the whole book and threatened people’s

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