The Pros and Cons of Social Surveys in Sociological Research

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The Advantages and Limitations of Social Surveys in Sociological Research

To survey something, is to carry out a systematic overview so that a

researcher can produce a comprehensive general report on it. Survey

method is often used by positivist sociologists seeking to test their

hypotheses, and to investigate causes and examine variables. As with

every other sociological research, survey has its own advantages and


Positivist research, which is in the scientific tradition, begins with

a hypothesis that can be either confirmed or rejected according to the

data collected. One of the significant advantages of survey method is

that, it can be used to collect data that is a representative of a

larger population. Positivists believe that by “dipping” into a part

of society their findings and results can be broadened (generalised)

to reveal wider social patterns and trends. This means, with survey

method properly conducted, generalisations can be made about the whole

population without having the whole population to take part in the

research. Not only it reduces the cost and time of conducting the

research, but also these generalisations can be used to compare with

generalisations in other places (as a result of the same surveys

taking place in those other places too). For example the British Crime

Survey, which used a sample of 20,000 households to measure the total

amount of crimes committed in England and Wales.

Aside from that, the data collected is highly reliable. This is

because the data collection process is objective – because positivists

believe that hypotheses without evidences are subjective, and

positivists ...

... middle of paper ...

...hat few white people had ever gained access to. To an unusual

extent he was able to see and understand the men as they saw and

understood themselves. He was able to learn their views and experience

of employment, family life and their own futures.

Regardless of these limitations, the survey method is still a valuable

tool of sociological research. All primary research can be difficult

to finance and time-consuming, but whatever the practical or

theoretical limitations the survey method is always useful for

investigating areas of social life that can’t be observed, for example

political attitudes, religious beliefs and private lives of couples.

Finally, the survey method can always be combined with other

interactionists’ methods to balance out the quantity and quality of

data collected, a process called triangulation.

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