The Pros And Cons Of Urbanization And Immigration

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During this lesson of “ Urbanization and Immigration” I’ve learned a lot of information these past 2 weeks. I have learned that people wanted to migrate to the urban areas from the rural areas. I learned how it was beneficial to them and also how they struggled The people that immigrated, to the United states were .German, Irish, Japanese, Jewish, Chinese or Russians. The struggles and challenges they had were massive. They are such huge issues we should be glad America does not exist like that today. Housing problems was one of the difficulties they were overpopulated with people and there wasn't room for everyone. There was boarding houses, row houses, tenement houses and dumbbell tenements. The size of the room was small and maybe about 7 to 10 people slept in one bedroom they all didn’t get a bed or mattress they either slept on the floor or chairs whatever they could use that was somewhat comfortable. Also there was major problems in the cities, they were unable to keep up with rapid population of the growth it was overcrowded. There was huge negative effects …show more content…

The advantaged in the city life was there was transportation was being modernized there was a large variety of stores close by there was improvement on indoor plumbing so you wouldn’t have to go outside with bucket every time. There was better healthcare also electricity and telephone were being created. Even though there was big difference in cultures some were able to emigrate to the United states and they were able to adapt together. If a ethnic group felt uncomfortable with others there were able to live in the Ethnic Islands and the nationality lives in it’s own little section. They lived together like this in groups to deal with rejection culture shock and isolation. Instead of leaving the new immigrants in the dust, the americans began teaching them the American customs so they could assimilate easier and

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