The Pros And Cons Of Sex Education

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Not unlike most debates, there are two major schools of thought when it comes to sex education in schools in the United States of America. One side believes that teaching abstinence to students helps them wait till marriage in a society that constantly pushes sexual imagery and language at them. Such people are supporters of what is known as abstinence based and abstinence-only education. The other side believes that students should receive comprehensive sexual education, where they are provided detailed information about intercourse, contraception, including abstinence, and STI transmission/treatment (Masland 2004). Sex education in the United States has consistently been a debate since the 1960 's. The controversy lies mainly in what schools should and should not be allowed to teach. The most common contention points are: birth control and contraception, Homosexuality (LGBTQ), abstinence-only, HIV awareness and education, and abortion. Objectively this …show more content…

Federal funding for sex education is mostly given to abstinence-only programs where shame is one of the best things students learn. One way sexual education currently instills shame in students, specifically female students, is to compare a girl who is a virgin to a piece of tape, an apple, or a piece of candy and have all the boys in the class touch, bite, lick, the object until it no longer provides the service it originally could. This illustrates to girls and boys that young girls who decide to have sex, at all or with multiple partners before marriage, can no longer be as worthy, as a sticky piece of tape, an uneaten apple, or an untouched woman (PURITY MYTH 33?). In addition to shaming students who have decided to have sex, they shame others who are masturbating

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