Abstinence vs. Comprehensive Sex Education

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It has been almost thirty three years since the first federal funding was put to use in “. . . sex education programs that promote abstinence-only-until-marriage to the exclusion of all other approaches . . .” according to the article “Sex education” (2010) published by “Opposing Viewpoints in Context;” a website that specializes in covering social issues. Since then a muddy controversy has arisen over whether that is the best approach. On one hand is the traditional approach of abstinence (not having sex before marriage), and on the other is the idea that what is being done is not enough, and that there needs to be a more comprehensive approach. This entails not only warning against sex, but also teaching teens about how to have “Safe Sex” (“Sex Education,” 2010). Many different elements contribute to the controversy of abstinence vs. comprehensive, including the recent gay and lesbian equal rights controversy (in which the gay and lesbian community are fighting for and sometimes denied the right to marry), contradictory studies, and the religious beliefs of those involved. So what is the right way to teach teens about sex? As a huge factor in how teens see themselves, those around them, and intimate relationships, that is a question in need of an answer. Patrick Malone, director of communications for Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), and Monica Rodriguez, president and CEO of SIECUS, (2013) state that: Everyone has an opinion about sexuality education. From vocal parents at PTA meetings to state governors who must decide whether to apply for federal funding for abstinence-only-until-marriage programs or more comprehensive sexuality programs, or both, or neither. From school pri... ... middle of paper ... ...egroup.com.byui.idm.oclc.org/ic/ovic/ViewpointsDetailsPage/ViewpointsDetailsWindow?query=&prodId=OVIC&contentModules=&dviSelectedPage=&displayGroupName=Viewpoints&limiter=&disableHighlighting=true&displayGroups=&sortBy=&zid=&search_within_results=&p=OVIC&action=2&catId=&activityType=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ3010167411&source=Bookmark&u=byuidaho&jsid=bceb8c9d67e4110168f84d4673f5f799 Sex Education. (2010). In Current Issues: Macmillan social science library. Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from http://ic.galegroup.com.byui.idm.oclc.org/ic/ovic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?query=&prodId=OVIC&contentModules=&displayGroupName=Reference&limiter=&disableHighlighting=true&displayGroups=&sortBy=&search_within_results=&p=OVIC&action=2&catId=GALE%7C00000000LVZ0&activityType=&documentId=GALE%7CPC3021900154&source=Bookmark&u=byuidaho&jsid=97f094e06dbbf5f2bcaec07adbde8e61

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