The Pros And Cons Of Obamacare

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Con: The market based system requires that all parts of the system make a profit. Since government programs like Medicare and Medicaid are a large piece of the puzzle, we do not have truly privatized system of coverage anyway. Therefore, some people feel that moving to a government provided universal coverage would make more sense. They feel it would cost less and provide genuine universal coverage rather than a patched together near universal coverage with multiple different competing systems, depending upon where you life, how old you are, your level of income and other factors. 6. There Will Be More Bureaucratic Oversight Pro: The Affordable Care Act is 1000 pages long. It contains many rules and also stipulates that there shall …show more content…

Additionally, because single parents are more likely to be women, not men, expanded coverage for children under CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) will likely benefit many women who are currently single mothers. It will help them take better care of their children, increase the amount of resources of the family in real terms, and make their lives less stressful Con: The Hyde Amendment prohibits federal funds to any health plan that includes abortion except for rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. Depending upon their views, some people see some of the provisions for women as cons, not pros, such as increased access to contraception. Women tend to have less income than men and single parents are more likely to be single moms, not single dads. Unsurprisingly, Obamacare does not explicitly address the impact this reality has on women per se. It does not do so in part because it is not intended as a women's rights bill. It is intended as a healthcare coverage bill. 8. Impact on Health Care Resources …show more content…

This may be due to people finally having coverage after years of not having coverage. The increased demand for physician services is expected to cause longer wait times to get an appointment and some people are predicting physician shortages. 9. The 50 States Pro: Every state will have an online marketplace where consumers can comparison shop for coverage. States will have some degree of choice as to what parts of the program they desire to participate in. States may opt out of certain aspects of the program. Con: Some states are declining to create their own. So, in reality, some state marketplaces are really being run by the federal government. Some states are also opting out of things like expanded Medicaid coverage. This means that individuals cannot assume that everything described under Obamacare actually applies to them. It will vary some by state. Individuals will need to educate themselves about how this plays out in the state they live in. 10. The Employer Mandate Pro: The employer mandate will require companies with 50 or more full-time workers to offer health insurance coverage through the employer. This is expected to expand availability of health insurance to low income workers who do not qualify for government programs, such as

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