The Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cells

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Part A Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells are both found in living thing, they have similarities and differences. This will be discussed further on in the essay. Prokaryotic cells are found in organism like bacteria which are archaebacterial and eubacteria whereas, eukaryotic cell are found in animals and plants.
Prokaryotic cells
Bacteria are prokaryotes, opposing from eukaryotes in having no membrane-bound nucleus or double- membrane organelles. Bacteria are an ancient group of tiny cellular organism which can be a size from 0.1 to 10 µm; they have colonised the earth for more than 3500 million years (Kent, 2013). Most of all, they have an important role in the food chains of every ecosystem.
In common with animal and plant cells, a general bacteria cell (prokaryotic cell) has a cell surface membrane enclosing cytoplasm that contains enzymes, ribosomes, and food granules. The membrane is encircled by a cell wall, and this results to an enclosed in a capsule. However, a prokaryotic cell has a shortage of high level of organisation of a eukaryotic cell. It has no Golgi apparatus nor an endoplasmic reticulum. The flagella are simple because they have no complex assembly of microtubules.
Some prokaryotic cells process additional circular pieces of genetic material called plasmids within the cell. Respiration generally takes place on a mesosomes, an infolding of the cell surface membrane, but there are no mitochondria (Micheal, 2013).
Function on the organelles
Mesosomes- the infolding of the cell surface membrane its involved in aerobic respiration.
Flagellum- simple locomotion structure one or two may be present.
Pili- may be involved in reproduction.
Capsule- providing protectio...

... middle of paper ... powerful form. It allows biological sample at the crime scene to be linked and connected strongly to the individual whom it belonged to (Jackson, 2011). However, forensic scientist sometimes has to work with poor quality tissue samples containing degraded DNA which may give only a few bands. Overall, this has been successful in many ways in forensic science.

Jackson, A., 2011. DNA Profiling . In: Forensic Science . Essex: Ashford Colour Press , p. 158.
Kent, M., 2013. Bacteria . In: Advanced Biology . s.l.:Oxford University Press , p. 366.
Kent, M., 2013. Prokaryotes . In: Advanced Biology. s.l.:Oxford University Press, p. 466.
M.Kent, n.d. DNA profiling. In: Advanced Biology . s.l.:s.n., p. 410.
Micheal, K., 2013. Advanced Biology. 2nd ed. s.l.:Oxford University Press.
Micheal, n.d. The Variety of living things . In: Advanced . s.l.:s.n., p. 467.

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