The Problems of Packaging and Waste

691 Words2 Pages

Plastic bags are the most important ways that could help the environment of the countries around the world to be clean and clear from the pollutions that will be made by peoples, of course everyone in this large world want to be comfortable, so for example if a person who just bought a chocolate, first of all if he think a little about the environment of his country, he will eat the chocolate and then will throw the casing of the chocolate inside a trash or inside a plastic bag that will be made from the government, but there is a point here that the most of the peoples will not think like that, they used to throw the droppings to the public places like parks, malls, shopping places and the streets, without thinking of the harming of their countries by this kind of small things, although the plastics bag are expensive, weightless, strong and also afford a lot of weights without hurting, that could facilely be template assortment of the productions that will see using it in a broad area of applications, so the purpose of this paper is to examine the problem of the packaging and the do not putting the pollutions inside the plastic bags that the government directed for saving the environment of the country.

So the packaging is the way to save the environment of a country from the pollution, and also to have a country that is clear and clean from the pollutions that will be made by the peoples, also the other things that are not pollution should packaging them to make the places free and not to hold on places for the things that had benefits for us, by the way according to Juliette Jowit (The Guardian, December 29, 2011), five hundred of the Christmas accessories lights and at least twenty five millions plastic bags of food and swee...

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...ed countries around the world.

In this paper, I have attempted to examine how the plastic bags have took hands to a clear environment, and so of course it needs the peoples who live in the countries help by using the plastic bags that have be made by the government to save the country's environment from the pollutions that will be by the peoples who have throw the pollutions in all around the public places, the main point of this essay is to direct the problems and the points that will hurts the environment of the countries around the world, so all of us should take care of the environment of our country and save it from the pollutions, we should have throw the pollutions to the directed places or the plastic bags that have been decided to throw the pollutions to it, of course the government also should create organizations to help and save the environment.

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