Email Attitisfaction And Organizational Communication

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Johnson brings up an interesting point about the potential consequences of email. While email is a cost-effective and convenient solution to business communication, allowing a written record of information, it can also be abused. Email abuse does not only occur in the form that Johnson alluded to.
According to Kane (2015), emails are draining workers of their time and energy, as well as distracting them from the work at hand. Studies have shown that the average worker receives approximately 121 emails per day, equating to around 2.5 hours per day spent answering emails. Email overload is an upward trend increasing by 15% per year. This is not sustainable behavior, as projects and deadlines will fall through the cracks when employees are overwhelmed …show more content…

It is important to communicate necessary information, so as to keep employees on the same page and satisfied with their places within the organization (Fischer, 2009). However, it is not necessary to inundate others with emails, particularly outside of business hours. Practicing Biblical consideration will increase job satisfaction and employee relationships.

Fischer, K. (2012). Lesson 5 – Organizational communication [audio lesson]. Retrieved from
Kane, G. (2015). Are you part of the email problem? MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(4). Retrieved from

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According to Gordon (2011), there is an “unspoken rule that the oppressed are entitled to unconditional validation” (p. 372), which leads to PC. Robbins and Judge (2009) discuss PC as a barrier in communication that distorts the message. PC creates an impossible world where everyone is equal. Since perfect equality will never exist, PC is a threat to civilization. Examples of PC undermining society are plentiful—universities lowering standards to enhance diversity and organizations promoting employees based on race rather than productivity. (Gordon,

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